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Comparison of Analytical Job Boards

Job Board Monthly Reach Paid Ads Cost per 30-day Ad Resume access Reach per Ad Reach per dollar
DataShaping 8,762 16 $125 included 548.88 4.38
KDNuggets 2,818 20 $116 no 140.90 1.21
Quantster 4,058 58 $195 no 69.96 0.35
SAS-Jobs 721 84 $0 extra fee 8.58 n/a
AmStat 17,986 68 $715 included 264.50 0.37
ICrunchData 6729 162 $350 extra fee 41.53 0.12

Monthly Reach and Fees as of Aug 10, 2007 (source:


  • The cost per ad is for a 30-day period. The price quoted corresponds to the regular rate. KDNuggets does not offer a monthly rate, but instead $350 for three months. DataShaping's rate is $250 for two months.

  • The reach per dollar column actually tells you the real value of the service - the higher the better.

  • The web traffic statistics are provided by, except for Quantster. provides similar statistics for sites with at least 2000 visitors per month, and a significantly more accurate number for Quantster (thus our revised number based on Quantcast, for Quantster). The traffic measured here is domestic only. KDNuggets has a much bigger reach (about 7500 per month) worldwide, but most of it is outside US.

  • DataShaping has a large number of non featured ads, more than 100 per month. However, featured ads receive considerably more traffic as they are distributed across the whole Datashaping network (including the StatJobs blog) and in the email alert. Featured ads also appear first on every high traffic web page, including all search result pages.

  • AmStat (The American Statistical Association) has a large proportion of visitors not interested in job ads. AmStat targets more junior candidates, many with biostatistics or an academic background.

  • DataShaping and Quantster are experiencing growth, while ICrunchData is declining. DataShaping remains the most competitive offering.

  • The StatJobs blog alone has a monthly reach above 1,000, higher than (source: DataShaping paid ads are featured on the StatJobs blog - the blog is actually owned by Datashaping.

  • ICrunchData and KDNuggets have a smaller number of advertisers, compared to DataShaping. In particular, ICrunchData regularly advertises the same job multiple times. Thus, for job seekers, DataShaping is also a better choice to reach a larger pool of employers.

Monthly Reach Trends: ICrunchData, KDNuggets, DataShaping

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