C | Certified Trading key meeting professional standards of performance.   |
N | Non certified Opposite of C   |
R | Reliable Trading key less sensitive to market fluctuations and trading errors.
Generally associated with lower risks and lower returns. Good for beginners.   |
V | Volatile Opposite of R. Potentially higher return, balanced by increased risk or unstability.   |
D | Day trading Trading key suitable for day trading.   |
L | Long term Strategy involving few actual trades. Opposite of D.   |
S | Short sell Trading key heavily relying on short sells. Most transactions are performed when
the stock is going down.   |
B | Buy first Opposite of S. Good for beginners.   |
E | Exponential
Reinvesting the gains results in higher (compound) return.   |
K | Keep gains Opposite of E. Reinvesting the gains
may not be advantageous.   |
U | Universal
Trading key that works well with all stocks, with consequently a lower return. You have to explicitly specify a stock symbol
when you use it.   |
T | Targeted Trading key attached to a specific stock, providing a high return for the stock in question.   |