DataShaper: Deploying your Trading Keys
We assume you have already created a key
with the DataShaper, and want to deploy it for easy use on our online platform.
We are currently building a web interface to help you deploy your keys. Meanwhile, proceed as follows:
- To deploy a new key: cut and paste the 10 parameters of the key from the Excel
template into a blank E-mail. Then send it to us. The parameters must be in decimal format (not percentages), with at least 6 decimals. Write the stock symbol associated
with the key. A key ID will be created and sent to you by e-mail, within 24 hours. You will then be able to use the key online.
- To update an existing key: proceed exactly as for deploying a new key, except that you also need to provide us
with the key ID.
- To check a key: to get the stock symbol, parameters, and available credit associated with a user created key,
E-mail us the key ID code. If you only need to check the stock symbol and available credit, then you can do it online.
- To credit a key: goto our credit page.