We have expertise in web robot technology. We can audit your pay-per click program,
using our own robot. The robot can be programmed
to simulate human activity. We can help you design an efficient robot filter - one that
detects illegitimate clicks without filtering out legitimate activity, to optimize your revenue.
We also use various state-of-the-art proprietary techniques to trap all kinds of robot activity.
Even better,
we can propose slight modifications of your business model that will make your
search engine untouchable
from malicious robot or human activity and will drastically reduce the costs of managing your
pay-per-click program.
We also provide ad-hoc strategies for the following types of businesses:
Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Doomsday Scenario
Different types of undetectable attacks can be carried out against
internet companies that bill advertising clients using logfile statistics.
These attacks usually rely on IP masking, IP masquerading and
fake referrals. IP masking is accomplished
by having a web robot accessing web pages through several hundreds
of anonymous proxy servers.
In another scenario, trojans are uploaded on popular shareware sites.
Once downloaded by a user, these trojans perform the useful tasks they are supposed
to do (e.g. hard drive cleaning, virus scanning etc.)
but in addition,
they randomly "click" on target links,
writing fake information in target logfiles using
web robot technology.
Competing advertisers, affiliates or partners in a pay-per-click program might
want to kill each other to gain market share, using click spam.
Target links could consist of paid links associated with
selected advertising clients (e.g. perpetrator's competitors) or
expensive paid keywords (e.g. "bulk Email" or "online casino") on pay-per-click search engines.
Another version of this attack could rely on a virus with an embedded web robot instead of a trojan.
The resulting fake information in the target logfiles can not be distinguished
from legitimate clicks from real users. The fake clicks have a 0% click-to-sale
ratio, driving the advertiser's ROI into negative territory. We have computed that it
is possible to generate $200 million in illegitimate charges with a click spam program
running non-stop over
a 12 month time period on one server.
More recent cases involve ad relevancy fraud. It is possible to eradicate
advertisers on AdSense for popular keywords, with a combination of bogus impressions and self-clicks,
without using fraudulent clicks.
Click Protection - Click Validation
We offer the following products and services:
- Click scoring technology based on state-of-the-art pattern recognition techniques.
- Proprietrary IP blacklists.
- Seminars on click protection, featuring discussions of real fraud cases.
Our seminars
also focus on best practices,
internal versus external fraud (through distribution partners),
horizontal and vertical fraud, entrapment techniques and
web robot software to test your own billing or click
fraud detection system.
- Click audit.
Contact us if you want to request consulting services
on click security, or
wish to obtain our white paper on click fraud detection. Our
clients include high dollar PPC advertisers and
top Internet companies.